(Credit: This post, the last one, and many future ones come from pages in Goddess Leonie's Guide to Creating Your Goddess Year, which can be purchased here:
*Darling heart, what do you most want to experience 2011 as?
...that question must be Australian for something...I'm going to translate it as follows: "What do you most want to be in 2011?" And my answer is: A Goddess. *nods
*What do you want to feel during 2011?
...Unconditional love for myself as well as the people who touch my life, even in passing. Joy. Peace. Stability/Security. Confidence. Radiance.
*What do you want to give yourself in 2011?
...MY MFA FINALLY PLEASE!!! Also, lots of pampering, guitar lessons, a savings account with at least $5k saved by 2012, fitness, freedom, adventure, love, joy and all the stuff I said in the answer to the question before this one. :D
*2011 Permission Slip: This year I give myself permission to...take my time while making changes for the better, so my inner child doesn't freak out and sabotage my efforts at self-improvement.
*This year I promise myself that I will...learn to listen to my body and intuition in order to improve my health on all levels.
*2011 will be the year that...I take control of my life, and take the first steps towards making my biggest dreams a reality.
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