"Overwhelmed" is a feeling I have a lot of experience with.
Here are some of the things that work for me, and maybe can work for you too.
I make myself watch something that is guaranteed to make me laugh until I cry and get a stitch in my side. Any laughter is good, but lots of laughter gets the endorphins flowing, and then, when I am full of joy and love, I think of the things that were overwhelming, aggravating, or depressing, and see them in a whole new way.
I write - and by this, I mean that I try to bring what I'm experiencing to life for someone who would have no comprehension of what I am going through - even if I have no intention of sharing my journal entry, it's the focus of explaining the unexplainable that leads to epiphanies and new understanding.
I make lists. Something about being able to see every thing organized in black and white makes it all seem more manageable.
I give myself permission to immerse myself in spirituality. I light a candle and pray for healing and guidance, then go lay down in the grass, stare up at the sky, and realize how immense the universe is. I wonder what's out there. I smell the earth, feel the sun and breeze, listen to the sounds of life and my own heartbeat. I see the connections, how every tiny thing effects every other thing in this world, until I feel one with every thing, and feeling that way helps put my worries and stress into perspective.
I take a day off to nourish myself. For a day, I am a kid babysitting Aiden, a playmate for him, and don't worry about cleaning or any other grown up responsibilities. I do my best to see the world through his eyes, and by the end of the day, I feel free and recharged.
I obtain spiritual guidance from someone I respect. For me, that means getting a tarot reading from my mentor, or from myself if I'm broke...lol For another, it might mean talking to a church member, or a maternal or paternal person or two who is both wise and compassionate.
Sometimes, before I can do any of the above, I just have to vent. I'll email one of my best friends, ask for help on a mothering group, text someone who won't judge me, or hand write a letter to whomever is the focal point of my stress, which I burn afterward.
My personal life goal in life is to increase the amount of peace, joy, and love in every one I come in contact with. Because of this, I do my best not to judge, criticize, condemn, complain, or make excuses. But I also don't punish myself when I fall short of my goal. That would be counter productive.
So that's my list...hope it helps someone! Please feel free to share it with anyone it might benefit. <3