Search Moody's Musings

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Am Grateful

I am grateful for my precious child
who fills my heart with joy
who fills my throat with laughter
who fills my eyes with tears
who fills my life with meaning.

I am grateful for my thriving body
with eyes to see every small beauty
with ears to fill with the musics of the world
with a mouth to kiss, a tongue to taste, a throat to sing
with strength in my shoulders to carry my burdens
with arms for holding, throwing and catching
with hands to create and explore
with a chest that makes a perfect pillow
with healthy organs that do their jobs admirably
despite the crap with which I fuel them
with a heart that keeps perfect rhythm
I am grateful for my strong legs and clever feet
for the swing in my hips and the dance in my step

I am grateful for every precious moment in this world
every challenge I overcome
every victory I celebrate
every peace I savor
and even the drama that shows me the value of peace

I am grateful for the gift of choice
the responsibility of knowledge
the joys of discovery
and the rewards of patience

Blessed be.

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