Search Moody's Musings

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving and the Not So Angry 95% Vegan

A few years ago, I was a student at UCF, walking to the student union for lunch. It was the week before Thanksgiving, and I passed a vegan friend of mine, who tried to convince me to go into a makeshift cavern plastered with pictures of the suffering of turkeys and other animals, designed to raise awareness of animal cruelty and shame meat eaters into quitting cold turkey (hee hee, couldn't resist the pun.)

I refused to enter the den of horror. Turkey was my absolute favorite meat, and I didn't want to feel guilty about it, or have my pleasure diminished by memories of horrible images. The anger of the vegan and vegetarian protesters made me feel unsafe and uncomfortable, so I avoided them.

Last week I experienced my first Thanksgiving as a vegan, and I wasted no time trying to guilt anyone into eschewing turkey. I have to say that horrible stories and images of animal cruelty have nothing to do with the fact that I am vegan now. Though I am vegan, I do not believe that people who eat meat are evil murderers. I do tease friends and family about their meat consumption, but I don't berate them for supporting animal cruelty or the destruction of the planet. I know that I cannot make positive change with negative behavior, or by evoking negative emotional responses.

I am not an angry vegan. I am vegan because it makes me happy. My friends and family see how effortlessly I've lost 80 pounds (so far!) They taste the delicious, nutritious food that I cook, notice my glowing skin, great mood...and how badly my health suffers when I fall off the no-dairy wagon. I inspire people to take better care of themselves...I don't try to bully them into changing their behavior or way of thinking.

I planned to bring my own meal to Thanksgiving dinner, but didn't plan well, and failed to bring anything. Never fear - my younger brother went to a great deal of effort to make sure that there was a vegan version of every side dish served that night, and even made a special portabello, spinach, and sun dried tomato dish just for me! He made me my own green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, stuffing with cranberries and apples, a stuffed baked apple, baby carrots, butternut squash, corn, dinner rolls, and sweet potato casserole (I pretended the marshmallows were could I turn down any part of that meal, when he went to so much trouble? I did tell him that vegan marshmallows exist, though.)

I admit, my brother's consideration moved me to tears.  I have so many things to be thankful for this year, and my brother is definitely top of the list.

And while I'm on the topic, I am also thankful for:
  • Reconciling and building a better relationship with my father
  • The warm and wonderful connection I have with my sister
  • The joy of motherhood and the precious blessing that is my son
  • Having a home with my new sister, niece, nephew,
  • The opportunities to make my dreams come true one by one
  • FINALLY earning my MFA
  • Achieving my first publishing contract
  • The love and support of my friends in Orlando and beyond
  • and much, much more. :D
Happy Holidays! <3