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Monday, December 27, 2010

Invoking 2011: 5 Values

Instead of resolutions, here are five values to which I aspire to incorporating into my life in 2011. :)
1) Health - I want to learn to prepare and enjoy nutritious meals and snacks, so that processed junk becomes the exception rather than the norm. I want daily exercise for us both, at least a walk preferably some horseplay, and maybe even some DDR. I want us to get plenty of rest, which includes stress relief, and lots of laughter, which is both the best medicine and the best prevention.

2) Organization - I want to get back in the habit of using my planner every day so I can accomplish all my goals, make my appointments, keep in touch with my loved ones, and remember important occassions without having to rely on my increasingly fallible memory. I want to embody the concept of "less is more;" the less I have, the less there is to break, lose, or clean up! I want to get Aiden and I in a routine so he knows what to expect and can relax without worrying about Mommy disappearing if he loses sight of her.

3) Joy - I want to begin and end every day with a smile. I want laughter and enthusiasm to be norms in my life rather than perks.

4) Love - I want to embody the concept of unconditional love, which means letting go of any lingering anger and hurt, and extending to myself and every one the same love that I feel for my son.
5) Peace - I want my default feeling to be peaceful/balanced/centered, punctuated by joy, or even frustration/outrage/etc. I want to accept myself as I am, and incorporate daily meditation and prayer into my life in order to help me realize that goal.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Invoking 2011

(Credit: This post, the last one, and many future ones come from pages in Goddess Leonie's Guide to Creating Your Goddess Year, which can be purchased here:

*Darling heart, what do you most want to experience 2011 as?


...that question must be Australian for something...I'm going to translate it as follows: "What do you most want to be in 2011?" And my answer is: A Goddess. *nods

*What do you want to feel during 2011?
...Unconditional love for myself as well as the people who touch my life, even in passing. Joy. Peace. Stability/Security. Confidence. Radiance.

*What do you want to give yourself in 2011?
...MY MFA FINALLY PLEASE!!! Also, lots of pampering, guitar lessons, a savings account with at least $5k saved by 2012, fitness, freedom, adventure, love, joy and all the stuff I said in the answer to the question before this one. :D

*2011 Permission Slip: This year I give myself permission to...take my time while making changes for the better, so my inner child doesn't freak out and sabotage my efforts at self-improvement.

*This year I promise myself that I will...learn to listen to my body and intuition in order to improve my health on all levels.

*2011 will be the year that...I take control of my life, and take the first steps towards making my biggest dreams a reality.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Celebrating & Releasing 2010

*The incredible thing I discovered about myself in 2010 was...that I am powerful, resourceful, LOVED, and I can thrive in any circumstances.

*2010 led me entirely new way of seeing my life, past and present, and an entirely new way of living.

*I am proud of myself for...not giving up, and thriving despite my mood issues and circumstances.

*I know myself now more because...I was open to receiving and recognizing messages from the Divine in my dreams as well as reflected in my life.

*I was transformed this year by...experiencing homelessness and an outpouring of love from unexpected sources.

*I let go of...people and situations that were poisoning me, and at least a few self-defeating beliefs.

*I am happy because precious son, my new home, and my new lifestyle.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dreaming Big

Ten years from now...

...I'll be turning 40. Aiden will be turning 12. We'll live in a beautiful house, surrounded by land, with gardens for food, herbs, and beauty, and running water nearby. Aiden will have younger siblings, and I will have my soul mate sharing my life and helping me raise all three of them lovingly and consciously. I will be a popular writer, psychic, and metaphysical healer, able to completely support us with my gifts, and able to save a sizable nest egg because my soul mate contributes to our living as well. We will all be healthy, fit, full of energy, loving life, and always learning new skills and developing our favorites.

Five years from now...

...I'll be turning 35. Aiden will be turning 7. My soul mate and I will have been a couple for at least three years, and thinking about expanding our family. I will have published a couple of books and built up my clientele as a psychic and healer. I'll be starting to phase out my "day job" in order to focus more fully on my gifts. Aiden will be bright, healthy, happy, and adventurous, and we'll frequently go camping, visiting family and friends, and start planning to explore foreign countries, now that he's old enough to remember the experience, and I've had time to save up for it.

This time next year...

...I'll be planning out our Yule celebration, doing crafts with my almost-preschooler, singing songs with him. I'll have my MFA in Creative Writing, and will have sent out a manuscript to publishers. I'll have a nest egg of $5k saved up, and feel financially stable and secure. I'll have phased sugar out of my life, and have stable moods, great health, loads of energy, joy, and a much fitter body. I'll be working on a new manuscript and my own tarot deck. And I'll be looking forward to my friends and family opening their handmade gifts. :D

This month...

...I will find a job, and start saving money. I will make gifts for all my friends and loved ones, and revamp my etsy store. I will organize and de-clutter my belongings as well as my life, and redirect my energy so I accomplish more and stress less. I will have breakfast with protein within an hour of waking every day, and have protein with lunch and dinner. I will keep a food journal, and keep track of how different foods affect my mood. I'll even start having a potato before bed, and see how that works for me. I'm going to master the art of meal planning, and figure out how to make couponing work for me. And I'm going to regularly blog publicly as well as privately, to stay sane and get my head together.